Letsbeef Informer II
Brought to you by
Real Nigga Shun Tell Yo Friends
Created by
Welcome To The Letsbeef Informer II
Site Updates & Acknowledgments in style.
Welcome back to our wonderful Informer series! This is the second official installment & i am your Host & creator, the amazing, the brilliant, the dashing... Punk! Bringing you the latest news & site entertainment with style. If you are busy right now, drop that shit and read along as i spark up some real shit. There are a few new sections added to the Informer saga including "What Punk Hates The Most" & "Interesting Threads This Month". So as always, i have a track below that you BETTER play while you read along..
Gold Minds
Accolades & Recently Champed
Dono gets two(2) titles.
I believe @
Dono deserves the biggest congrats this year so far due to him making everyone think he couldn't win his first title and sparks up to win not one but two in the same year just 10 days apart. He first won the One Bar Tournament followed by the Anonymous Topical Tournament. Big Shout outs to the final contestants @
AfterThought & @
Jam Jar for putting up great battles. You guys did ya thing. So with that being said, Dono, keep pushing, your becoming a problem (in a good way) here on letsbeef so keep it that way.
XK Radio Launch
As you can see, my dude XK been doing a great job with the Letsbeef.com Radio Station. With 3 episodes already in the bag, he's going to continue to promote our site's music. Personally, my favorite radio station and the only one i listen to why? Because I'm usually on it

. @
XplicitKontent man, keep doing ya thing bro. It's starting to look better and better every episode. #purplenamegang @
V3numb whaddap boy!
Battle Scene
What's going on in the beef world no mondo burgers.
Text Battle Section
Tha Dope Man
ET the Refugee
Black Book
Da KingPin
Audio Battle Section
GreenTipz ~RRR~
Topical Section
The Inkwell Payper View is officially live! If you haven't already, Click
HERE to check out the match-ups. OR you can just look below
Put together by our beautiful EtH :|
SHEEP LORD (0-0) Vs @
Note (0-0)
HaRizon (0-1) Vs @
Lockhart (1-0)
Objective (0-0) Vs Lyrical Sting Ray (0-0)
XplicitKontent (1-0) Vs @
BloodAngel (0-0)
EtH (0-0) Vs @
Punk (0-1)
Jam Jar (4-1) Vs @
Fidel Z (0-1) Vs @
Dysfunctional (0-2)
emceekilgore (0-1) Vs @
WHITZ (1-1) - Audio
Master Mind (0-0) Vs @
Wigsplit (0-0)
Main Card
Nicholas (0-0) Vs @
Moses (2-1) - Audio
Dirty Work (2-1) Vs @
Dissizit (1-0)
Agonize (2-1) Vs @
Black Book (1-1)
Wonder Gurl (0-0) Vs @
GRizzEAT (0-0) - Audio
Main Event
Topical Title Match
InCizion (2-2) Vs @
Dono (5-0)
Start voting now!
I'd also like to congratulate everyone for staying active in the battle sections rather it's Text, Audio, or Topical. You guys keep doing what your doing. And for those who's holding on to the top spots, keep protecting it & get prepared for the next month because someone WILL attempt to take your spot! GC Month! Everybody should be doing this tbh. It's about that time for someone with that plain ol boring basic colored name to get a Bolded up blue thangy. Or if your already blue, or a mod, well who cares about your spoiled ass XD.
What Punk Hates The Most
Today's Topic - Brief feedback.
I've witness this TOO much, especially in our track section, on youtube, & a lot of other sites. When people comment on ya shit just saying "Dope!" or "good shit" idk if it's just me, but that pisses me off soo much. I didn't put all this work into my shit for that peasy ass comment. Some people look for real feedback and tips. Every time i see it, it just makes me think "Man, this person's very clueless." They must not understand how much effort we put into these projects. Note:If your about to perform this little action on anything i post, PLEASE do not. I'd rather have a few long feeds than a bunch of "dopes."
Some Of August's Best Threads
Requested By YOU. The People.
Stewie's Page Of Bitch Niggaz By @
Stewie Boy 1 Da
Tell me dude wasn't funny? And lets give him props for making a bomb ass list though. I...Made...The...Team.
XK For Mod. By @
Well he has a point. XK def. been handling his business on the site. Gotta give him props as well.
$200 Cash Prize Flyer By @
Another V3numb scandal XD. Na go check this out though. $$ on the line.
R o W is a wack ass fuck sniper! By @
This is not even an August threat but since it's my show, we do whatever the fuck we want.
Lol Eth Turning AC's into a shit show By @
Just C
idk whats going on here but seems like we got a little relationship problem.
Yo Admin / mods By @IV
When social networking goes wrong, expect our wonderful members to rant back and forth about it.
Murda Muzik MAKING MOVES.. ya bish! By @
Tana Murdeaux
ya bish!
Fashion By @
I personally like a few pair of Adidas every now and then.. Only Round House ones though.
Murda Muzik vs. ACs ..? By @
Tana Murdeaux
MM vs AC? Somethings bout to explode.. I can feel it.
Rank the weight classes! (Active Battlers) By @
I made another list.. Yippy!
Give a ''POSITIVE'' comment about their LB skills to above. By @
How creative *sarcasm*
And they say LB's not interesting anymore :|
Tracks (Top 4 Charts)
These tracks are your top 4. The ones you *the people* have rated and loved very much. No favoritism will be shown!
01.Mr. Know It All (ft. SIXX..STOT..OLDE) By @
02.fuckin probs RE RE MIX.-W/RINSED TWISTED By @
03.Lets Beef, Lets Beef By @
Saint Chris
04.Relapse By @
Your ticket to get the fuck out my shit.
Well folks, this is your SECOND official ticket to get the fuck out my shit XD. Thanks for reading for those who actually read it & I'd also like to thank those active around the site keeping everything balanced. Thank @
Noble for secretly putting together the Purple Name Gang aka Purple city Byrd Gang aka We Don't Fucks With That Green Shit Gang *whispers* "but if you wanna make us green, we won't argue about it." XD I know i promised a longer one but some shit got in the way and... well i was honestly too lazy. With that being said, hello! Bye.. Go away..
NOTE:If you find any errors, LET ME FUCKING KNOW!