What is the My Emcee Character? |
The My Emcee character is a character that represents your success on LetsBeef. It is a customizable character which gets more clothing, gear and accessories as you move up the rankings and move deep into tournaments. |
How do I change My Emcee's gear and Customize it? |
You can change your items in the “My Emcee” page. Here you can change the color of clothing as well as changing items if you have them unlocked. |
What does Locked mean? |
Locked items are items that you can not put on your Emcee. You can unlock certain items by placing in the top 10 in the monthly rankings, or being in the top 8 of tournaments. |
How do I get New Items? |
You are able to unlock and get new items in the following ways:
Top 10 in the Exclusive and Basic Leagues for the month
Top 5 Exclusive and Basic Hood Represents of the month
Top 10 Emcees in points for the top crew of the month
Top 5 track of the month
Top 16 in a tournament
Top 5 solo Cyphers of the month
Quality of items will depend on how you place in the listed rankings. |
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