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  One Bar Championship 2024
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younggangster vs Wysheid
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
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Hek Teafy vs Wysheid
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
4 Votes 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
younggangster vs RowRow is on FIRE! 5+ wins in a row!
8 Lines (4 Bars)
5 Votes 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
PimpinCake vs fromdahood
8 Lines (4 Bars) Blind Drop
3 Votes 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
Paramock vs fromdahood
64 Lines (32 Bars)
1 Vote 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
ThaWorst vs fromdahood
32 Lines (16 Bars)
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CulpritT vs Phenomonon
8 Lines (4 Bars)
5 Votes 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
DeadTRIDeadTRI is on FIRE! 5+ wins in a row! vs Nobody Impor...
16 Lines (8 Bars) Blind Drop
1 Vote 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars

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Tag Team Tournament #13
Length: 16 Lines

Phroxen (7%) Lost
Hall Of Famer
I am Him
2x Grand Champion
One Bar Legend
Cypher Champion
Scheme Champion
Concept Champion
One Bar Champion

Ranked #-- This Month (#-- All Time)
7.38/10 stars7.38/10 stars7.38/10 stars7.38/10 stars7.38/10 stars7.38/10 stars7.38/10 stars7.38/10 stars7.38/10 stars7.38/10 stars
Reppin: United States
Esso (93%) Won
Ranked #-- This Month (#49 All Time)
No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
Reppin: Jersey, Jersey





Voting has ended for this battle (battle finished on 2024-01-26 23:37:37).



Congrats to both teams for making finals fr - I have read this a couple times, and I have Odinn/Esso edging this out. First half of Kiwi/Phroxen was hella strong. Flowed well. Good punches. Second half just lost steam. Odinn Esso maintained consistency through the 16 lines with equal if not more punching power. I could see it going either way on preference, but i felt consistency won out here. GL to both.

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2024-01-29 10:03:00 Private Message RhetoriK




-------------------- This battle will be between Phroxen/Kiwi Peewee vs Esso/Odinn -----------------


Verses will be due January 26th at 11:59PM EST and voting will close January 29th at 11:59PM EST. Good luck to both teams! 

Posted on: 2024-01-22 17:56:46 Private Message Lockhart


Odin paid Pugz 4 shillings to vote for him in the 1964 GC quarter-final.

Nick a raw whaa is a country in central america.

The cervix bone is located next to the uvula.

PM me if you need anything else clarified!

Posted on: 2024-01-26 20:56:55 Private Message Kiwi Peewee

Expo: Listen to Phroxens audio and tell me if I'm lying. 

GL Phro and Kiwi. truly disappointed there wasn't a Nick a raw wha bar tho. 

Posted on: 2024-01-26 23:57:43 Private Message Esso


Hard one to call. Ones punches kept increasing as his verse went on, almost felt surreal for a couple minutes reading the drop. Both had sharp bars and some grimy lines. Hats off to these guys 

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2024-01-27 02:40:40 Private Message Bnas

LoDshit 2012 to eternity

Posted on: 2024-01-27 03:44:12 Private Message Erupt da Monsta

Ice Bear

Hard 5's for both teams with a similar punch count on both sides, multis were also rather close, imo this one comes down to impact behind punches but this could easily go either way, absolutely nuts on both sides

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2024-01-27 06:37:26 Private Message Ice Bear

i think esso/odin more smoother wit it and concepts were dope too 

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2024-01-27 13:24:53 Private Message DemolitionBoy

Grand Champion
2x Premier League Champion
Cypher Champion
Scheme Champion

The Demon

Good showings by both teams. Congrats on making the final 

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2024-01-27 13:30:47 Private Message Masked-Reaper

The Phantom Pain

good battle here overall, but felt the winner got it decidedly.

phro/kp: liked the addition and then the possession schemes a lot, felt like some of the other bars in the verse lacked some "umph" in the setup bars leading up to the punch (i.e., the opener), but not a major issue throughout.

ess/odin: start to finish, there was a lot to talk about. I think this verse gets it in terms of volume alone, but some really tough lines throughout. Word of the day was a creative way to use the peewee flip.. closer to me wasn't the sharpest, but plenty to love on this drop, certainly worthy of a finals bout. 

I think the winner here gets it with the volume of punches and the cleanliness of the drop. There was just more hits and connections on this one. But an entertaining finals nonetheless

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2024-01-28 02:40:41 Private Message METAL GEAR


Read this twice and got my winner. Esso/Odin was on another level conceptually. Lines like the word of the day, Moses staff and cost for a liter were standouts. Phro/Ki started strong with lines like exorcism and weekend @ odins but didn't keep the momentum going. Dope finals. Congrats to the winner

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2024-01-29 09:00:32 Private Message exwhyzee

Grand Champion
2x Premier League Champion
Cypher Champion
Scheme Champion

The Demon

Only 5 votes on a final is wack... so here goes 


Phroxen/Kiwi .... Better flowing verse in my opinion. Opener was nice, good set up. Wasn't feeling the sum bar, got the concept but the punch wasn't landing for me. Couple of standouts for me  


Phro: Opener Kiwi: Needle/Skip track 


Odin/ Esso: You guys had more punches, felt some of the set ups weren't on the same level as Phro/Kiwi. Prob some of the best punches I've seen from Odin, Esso had some nice punches, finisher was on point. 

standouts : 


Esso: Google punch. Odin: Opener / Stock


overall one team takes this with the punches edging it .  Fair vote in.  

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2024-01-29 09:40:21 Private Message Masked-Reaper

Both verses were good but this was clear enough that I had a winner after one read. Best lines from Phroxen/Kiwi were exorcism and ess on your chest. The problem is that the verse just didn't have any standouts. Everything was good-not-great. Esso/Odinn had the Moses and word of the day lines which were better than anything in Phro/KP's verse. Drake singing off key was almost bar of the battle, but a drake seems to be a pretty obscure type of gun. Same with the Dr Doom line, the concept is amazing but you have to seriously be into Marvel to know that without looking it up. Only thing I didn't like in this verse was the Chong Li line. The other lines were good but not super memorable, but even those were a little bit above the average level of Phro/KP. Esso/Odinn take this clearly in my book. Fair's in.

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2024-01-29 23:15:59 Private Message Shodan



I feel phro concentrated more on odin than dissing ess, while ess threw direct shots at his opponent, also... With phros bar about brains on the couch.... Implying that you shot her.... How then would she be free to sit and think if she was already dead? Also I liked ess closer, phro had some decent bars, but when accumulating all these factors I think ess took it fv as always. 

Posted on: 2024-03-05 05:23:56 Private Message MyGoodness



Oh well I was too late, congrats ess

Posted on: 2024-03-05 05:24:28 Private Message MyGoodness



And ignore my retarded comment about odin, I just realised this was tag

Posted on: 2024-03-05 05:26:11 Private Message MyGoodness



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