Flopped Paper Album Eww
I don't know if we should call it an album...more like a kid making his cover out of crayons and paper.
and vocals recorded over a cell phone.
anyways, If the ice cream truck hasn't stopped by your neighborhood...save that money and use it for something less better.
Like Zrack and El Bastard's albums!
I know U rther hear a blank CD.
but here's the good news kids:
Every penny spent on the albums...will go to charity!
the "Save Rap" Foundation.
the money will go to feed zrack and felon.
and also, get el bastard some auto-tune for his voice to sound better!
No money? No Problem?
we also take mics, beats, and Ghost writers for these guys to make their dream come true. and keep them dry.
but the question is:.....
who's album will flop More?
El Bastard? or Z-rack?
Take your time...
Respect over Money All Day Every Day