I killed that passing me by beat on the new diss I dropped. Always loved that song and beat.
But I'm big into reggae, mostly older dancehall stuff, but JR Gongs whole Jamrock album is vibes. But these two are my shit. Love the "There for you" joint... always give me goosebumps. í ¼í¾¶YOUOOooooOOOOí ¼í¾¶
Then "Welcome To Jamrock" goes hard....
Spoiler for 💀🔥DISS TRACKS🔥💀:
"#Facts"Fatzooka & Odin Diss🖕
"It Takes A Village"-Village Idiot Diss🖕
Last edited by RhymeSmoke; 11-02-2021 at 11:04 AM.