05-06-2022, 06:03 PM
Ranked Audio Record 31 Won / 3 Lost
Ranked Text Record 439 Won / 75 Lost
Join Date: Dec 1969
audio / 3182
Posts: 12,790,149
Mentioned: 2449 Post(s)
Tagged: 114 Thread(s)
Video Battling Rules:
Video Battling Rules
1) No sexual/nude content may be submitted. Any person found doing so shall be banned indefinitely from the site.
2) All video posts must be of, and belonging to, the account holder uploading them. Anyone caught uploading other peoples videos will be treated as biters and receive infractions for doing so as per normal procedures.
3) Uploading spam videos/trolling the video section will see you infracted and/or banned indefinitely from the site.
4) As usual, no racism or racist videos shall be permitted. Any person who uploads such videos shall be banned indefinitely from the site.
5) Posting anything other than your own set of bars, ie: an ad or some other form of spam shall see you banned indefinitely from the site.
6) Remember that this is all in good fun. Enjoy yourself and have fun with this new feature.
Last edited by Óðinn; 05-06-2022 at 06:26 PM.