function thread(threadid, title, poster, threaddate, threadtime) { this.threadid = threadid; this.title = title; this.poster = poster; this.threaddate = threaddate; this.threadtime = threadtime; } var threads = new Array(3); threads[0] = new thread(177055, 'Seasonal Tournaments: Are Back', 'Óðinn', '05-14-2024', '03:50 AM'); threads[1] = new thread(176976, 'ANNOUNCEMENT: New Monthly Award for Ranking in the Top 20', 'RhetoriK', '04-25-2024', '04:25 PM'); threads[2] = new thread(176973, 'Welcome LB\'s 2 Newest Moderators - Esso and Blocc', 'RhetoriK', '04-24-2024', '08:43 PM');