View Full Version : Bad Voter Club

04-28-2019, 08:56 PM
We got Titles, Tournaments and Clubs for alot of things..
For example we got Titles such as FVC, Titles for battlers who win/earn thier titles from tournament etc.... Titles for Most Hated, and even titles for ppl who start a crew and it literally doesn't advance: like Barzooka with his 474 Title...
What bout a Bad Voters Club for the ones who only vote and say such and such is the best with a vote of 10-1 or ppl who's only expo on a battle is this guy is good and I didnt choose this winner cause I dont like his name..
Or my personal favorite bad voters:This dududdudude voted against me so I'll vote against him...
Just seems to be alot of drama with some voters who can't seem to put out an actual FAIR vote...
Anyways...My question is...
Ain't there some way to put these type of voters in a club like a Bad Voters Club, the opposite of the FVC where they cant vote or at least cant the Mods or Admins drop their damn VP...
These terrible ass vote is what makes ppl not wanna battle much IMO...U can get 4 votes and the other guy gets 1 and he still wins...I see this alot on battles and that's just crazy stuff man...
Anyways, feel free to discuss

04-28-2019, 09:26 PM
Approach every battle like you finna take people's head off, leave no room for that b.s

Nothing is going to change the bad votes on here, it's been that way from the jump. You got to reach out to the people that know what they're doing for 1. & mods do a good job when it comes to lowerin vp, I mean they can't catch everybody though.

Not tryna be an asshole homie but if you're losing battles because of bad votes, a big part of it falls on you.

04-28-2019, 10:32 PM
Nah bro, I ain't lose ti bad votes, but was told by a mod that the newbies have a higher VP then most, so Y maybe then have high VP of that don't really ke what to vote on and alot of ppl use a new multi to vote for themselves now... At least lower the newbies VP...

04-28-2019, 10:51 PM
Approach every battle like you finna take people's head off, leave no room for that b.s

Nothing is going to change the bad votes on here, it's been that way from the jump. You got to reach out to the people that know what they're doing for 1. & mods do a good job when it comes to lowerin vp, I mean they can't catch everybody though.

Not tryna be an asshole homie but if you're losing battles because of bad votes, a big part of it falls on you.

i dont disagree but you cant fault the battlers, most wack voters dont read or listen to the battles they vote on

04-28-2019, 11:02 PM
i dont disagree but you cant fault the battlers, most wack voters dont read or listen to the battles they vote on

That's facts but it's on the battler to put the link out to good voters. Don't just sit back & wait for the shit votes to roll in, got to do your part by hitting up the experienced members.

---------- Post added at 10:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 PM ----------

Back in the day, you'd get banned on sight for throwing out links for votes.. now shit's allowed so take advantage of that.

joan of arc
04-28-2019, 11:04 PM
nah man we need something done about these shit voters that ruin battles for everyone. they obviously dont care about their vp, so we need someting else

04-28-2019, 11:10 PM
There are some motherfuckers on here who deserve to have negative VP.

04-29-2019, 12:10 AM
I completely agree that bad voters should have 0 vp etc etc but as far as thinking that there's no way for us to get enough good votes to out weigh the bad ones is complete b.s.

Ya'll are buggin, it's been this way for yrs.. if you don't know how to work around the shit votes then the problem is YOU.

I ain't sugarcoating shit.

04-29-2019, 11:26 AM
I didn't believe this thread (bad voters club)because I scene the other thread fair voters club that I'm not inn bkuz I don't ha e a award or a invite,buht yeah sometimes a emcee will message me and curse me off there battles, yeah eye tthought onerous & would chex out the thread