View Full Version : Why religion is a myth.

05-01-2014, 12:08 AM
ᴉʞᴉMɐᴉpǝW ʎq pǝɹǝʍoԀ uoᴉʇɐpunoℲ ɐᴉpǝɯᴉʞᴉMʍǝᴉʌ ǝlᴉqoWsɹǝdolǝʌǝpɐᴉpǝdᴉʞᴉM ʇɔɐʇuoƆsɹǝɯᴉɐlɔsᴉpɐᴉpǝdᴉʞᴉM ʇnoq∀ʎɔᴉlod ʎɔɐʌᴉɹԀ
˙uoᴉʇɐzᴉuɐƃɹo ʇᴉɟoɹd-uou ɐ '˙ɔuI 'uoᴉʇɐpunoℲ ɐᴉpǝɯᴉʞᴉM ǝɥʇ ɟo ʞɹɐɯǝpɐɹʇ pǝɹǝʇsᴉƃǝɹ ɐ sᴉ ®ɐᴉpǝdᴉʞᴉM ˙ʎɔᴉloԀ ʎɔɐʌᴉɹԀ puɐ ǝs∩ ɟo sɯɹǝ┴ ǝɥʇ oʇ ǝǝɹƃɐ noʎ 'ǝʇᴉs sᴉɥʇ ƃuᴉsn ʎq ˙ʎlddɐ ʎɐɯ sɯɹǝʇ lɐuoᴉʇᴉppɐ ;ǝsuǝɔᴉ˥ ǝʞᴉl∀ǝɹɐɥS-uoᴉʇnqᴉɹʇʇ∀ suoɯɯoƆ ǝʌᴉʇɐǝɹƆ ǝɥʇ ɹǝpun ǝlqɐlᴉɐʌɐ sᴉ ʇxǝ┴
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ǝƃɐd ʇɔɐʇuoƆ
sǝƃuɐɥɔ ʇuǝɔǝɹ
lɐʇɹod ʎʇᴉunɯɯoƆ
ɐᴉpǝdᴉʞᴉM ʇnoq∀
doɥS ɐᴉpǝɯᴉʞᴉM
ɐᴉpǝdᴉʞᴉM oʇ ǝʇɐuop
ǝlɔᴉʇɹɐ ɯopuɐɹ
sʇuǝʌǝ ʇuǝɹɹnƆ
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ǝƃɐd uᴉɐW

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nuǝɯ uoᴉʇɐƃᴉʌɐN
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˙ʇᴉ ƃuᴉpuɐdxǝ ʎq ɐᴉpǝdᴉʞᴉM dlǝɥ uɐɔ no⅄ ˙qnʇs ɐ sᴉ ǝlɔᴉʇɹɐ pǝʇɐlǝɹ-ǝɯɐƃ ǝpɐɔɹɐ sᴉɥ┴ uoɔᴉ qnʇS
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ǝʇᴉsqǝʍ ʎuɐdɯoɔ s,ㄥƖɯɐǝ┴
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˥OH ʇɐ ƃuᴉʇsᴉl ǝɯɐפ ^ dn dɯnſ
966Ɩ ʇsnƃn∀ 'ƃuᴉɥsᴉlqnԀ ǝɹnʇnℲ 'ㄣ9 ǝnssᴉ ǝuᴉzɐƃɐɯ ɹǝʍoԀ ɐƃᴉɯ∀ ^ dn dɯnſ
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˙ᄅƖ0ᄅ ʎɹɐnɹqǝℲ ㄣ pǝʌǝᴉɹʇǝɹ ˙(ɥsᴉlƃuƎ uᴉ) ɯoɔ˙ǝnbɹɐɯǝsnoɥ ˙,,sǝɯɐפ,, ^ dn dɯnſ

˙ɐʇᴉΛ uoᴉʇɐʇSʎɐlԀ ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ pǝsɐǝlǝɹ sɐʍ ɐʇlǝp ʇsnpɹɐʇS ɹǝdnS lǝnbǝs ʇxǝu ǝɥ┴ ˙ǝɹoʇS uoᴉʇɐʇSʎɐlԀ S∩ puɐ uɐǝdoɹnƎ ǝɥʇ ɯoɹɟ pɐoluʍop oʇ ǝlqɐlᴉɐʌɐ sᴉ puɐ ǝlqɐʇɹoԀ uoᴉʇɐʇSʎɐlԀ ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ pǝsɐǝlǝɹ uǝǝq sɐɥ ǝlqɐʇɹoԀ ʇsnpɹɐʇS ɹǝdnS pǝlʇᴉʇuǝ ɹǝɥʇouɐ puɐ 'Ɛ uoᴉʇɐʇSʎɐlԀ ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ ㄥ00ᄅ uᴉ pǝsɐǝlǝɹ sɐʍ 'pH ʇsnpɹɐʇS ɹǝdnS pǝlʇᴉʇuǝ 'ǝʞɐɯǝɹ pǝɔuɐɥuǝ u∀ ˙ʇsnpɹɐʇS oʇ lǝnbǝs ɐ sᴉ ʇsnpɹɐʇS ɹǝdnS ˙96, ʇsnpɹɐʇS ɹǝdnS ǝɯɐu ǝɥʇ ɹǝpun ƆԀ oʇ pǝʇɹod sɐʍ ǝɯɐƃ ǝɥ┴ ˙(ɐun˥ ʞᴉusnlS) [ㄣ]uɐɯʎN oʞᴉN puɐ ʇsᴉʌbuǝɹ sɐlʞɔᴉN ʎq pǝsodɯoɔ sʞɔɐɹʇpunos ∀p-pƆ pǝɹnʇɐǝɟ uoᴉsɹǝʌ ᄅƐpƆ ǝɥ┴

[Ɛ]˙ɹǝʍoԀ ɐƃᴉɯ∀ ʎq ǝɯᴉʇ llɐ ɟo ǝɯɐƃ ʇsǝq ɥʇ9ᄅ ǝɥʇ pǝʞuɐɹ sɐʍ ǝɯɐƃ ǝɥ┴ [ᄅ]˙ㄥƖɯɐǝ┴ ʎq ᄅƐpƆ ɐƃᴉɯ∀ puɐ (∀פ∀) ɐƃᴉɯ∀ ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ pǝɥsᴉlqnd puɐ ǝsnoɥpoolq ʎq pǝdolǝʌǝp ǝɯɐƃ ㄣ66Ɩ ɐ sᴉ ʇsnpɹɐʇS ɹǝdnS
WOɹ-pƆ 'ʞsᴉp ʎddolɟ ,,ϛ˙Ɛ uoᴉʇnqᴉɹʇsᴉp
ɹǝʎɐldᴉʇlnɯ 'ɹǝʎɐld ǝlƃuᴉS (s)ǝpoW
dn ɯǝ, ʇooɥS (s)ǝɹuǝפ

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SOp 'ᄅƐpƆ ɐƃᴉɯ∀ 'ɐƃᴉɯ∀ (s)ɯɹoɟʇɐlԀ
ʇsnpɹɐʇS sǝᴉɹǝS
ㄥƖɯɐǝ┴ (s)ɹǝɥsᴉlqnԀ
(SOp) ǝnbɹɐɯǝsnoH
ǝsnoɥpoolq (s)ɹǝdolǝʌǝp
uoᴉsɹǝʌ ᄅƐpƆ ɐƃᴉɯ∀ ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ ʇɹɐxoq
ƃdɾ˙ɹǝʌoɔ ɐƃᴉɯ∀ ʇsnpɹɐʇS ɹǝdnS
ʇsnpɹɐʇS ɹǝdnS
ɐᴉpǝdolɔʎɔuǝ ǝǝɹɟ ǝɥʇ 'ɐᴉpǝdᴉʞᴉM ɯoɹℲ
ʇsnpɹɐʇS ɹǝdnS

---------- Post added at 12:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 AM ----------

ayyyyyyyyyyy mane da website messed up!1

05-01-2014, 12:50 AM
wtf u drink tn

05-01-2014, 12:53 AM
This is more like 'why religions arent a myth'.. We'll never understand..

05-01-2014, 01:09 AM
lookin upside down hurt my neck

05-01-2014, 01:41 AM
you're absurd.

05-01-2014, 11:19 PM
This was the work of my friend Brad.
He's probably IM'd some of you fuckers too, got my password when I was screensharing on skype. Don't care enough to delete it but thought I should clarify as to who actually made it lmao.

05-02-2014, 12:48 AM
Pass whatever you on over here... I need it.

05-02-2014, 01:20 AM
So why do religions even exist? Other then beliefs cuz come on now.. There is only one almighty and im sure hes not like i want you fuck tards to believe this way, you fuck tards to believe that way and you fuck tards to believe in that god over there.. oh thats right, religions are peoples beliefs and people also believe Madverbs beat me.. lol that one made me laugh a little..

05-02-2014, 01:27 AM
So why do religions even exist? Other then beliefs cuz come on now.. There is only one almighty and im sure hes not like i want you fuck tards to believe this way, you fuck tards to believe that way and you fuck tards to believe in that god over there.. oh thats right, religions are peoples beliefs and people also believe Madverbs beat me.. lol that one made me laugh a little..

No one could ever possibly fathom any sort of God. We trivialize any sort of example of a "God" with petty man-made religions in pathetic attempts to rationalize something that, at this age of cognitive ability could never be rationalized. Modern religions are filled to the brim with completely illogical spew & contradictions out the ass, we have yet to crack the surface on anything in the basis of Deities so to fill the gap we use bullshit like "god works in mysterious ways" or "ask him when you get there" to compensate for the fact that some questions simply can't be answered because the basis of the question itself is founded upon a faulty premise.

You think that if a Christian was born in india he'd be praising the same God?
You think that if a Buddhist was born in America he'd be saying the same prayers?

I doubt that any religion has it right at this current time in history. Religion is a man-made institute to syphon money from the masses and insight political power behind the mask of love & peace, the small people in the equation which number in the millions solidify the image of the religion as something completely pure & heartfelt while the higher-ups of the religion could hand them shit on a platter and if they told them to have faith that it will taste good they would eat it.

Hubert Cumberdale
05-02-2014, 01:36 AM
You send nudes to me. I send nudes back. You mean to tell me Brad has those?

05-02-2014, 01:40 AM
You send nudes to me. I send nudes back. You mean to tell me Brad has those?

Don't even fuck with me like that LOL.

05-02-2014, 01:41 AM
I agree completely Crysis.. Fuck a religion and believe in the one true almighty.. I shockingly dont have a problem with god anymore after struggling for so long I've finally caught a break and been handed some blessings.. Although waking up is considered a blessing i never seen it like that til my life was actually worth living.. I done got me a good job, a hot female and a Letsbeef title and i appreciate it..

05-02-2014, 01:49 AM
I agree completely Crysis.. Fuck a religion and believe in the one true almighty.. I shockingly dont have a problem with god anymore after struggling for so long I've finally caught a break and been handed some blessings.. Although waking up is considered a blessing i never seen it like that til my life was actually worth living.. I done got me a good job, a hot female and a Letsbeef title and i appreciate it..

I'd also like to input that I don't really think that Religion is inherently bad or "evil". I also don't even think it's done more harm than help in the big picture, but I do think it's foundation is completely slated. On the problem with god thing, I've had a lot of fucked up shit happen to me and I'm only 16, I "hated" god for a long ass time. When my mom died I pretty much ghosted from LB & life in general to just disconnect from everything. Now, I'm still an Athiest (Possibly Diestic Athiest.) but have learned much more on the subject and though I don't necessarily believe I have the knowledge to state if a "God" exists, I don't hold any contempt for it if it does.

The Dope Man
05-02-2014, 02:14 AM
Religion was created to bring order in society/civilizations. If people believed in an almighty consequence to their actions then they'll act accordingly. Plus religion in ancient times was more used as a government if anything. Aka it was a way to get money from the people. To this day that's all religion is.. a money scheme.. makes me wanna start my own religion... The Church Of Bluntz Lol

05-02-2014, 10:24 AM
Religion was created to bring order in society/civilizations. If people believed in an almighty consequence to their actions then they'll act accordingly. Plus religion in ancient times was more used as a government if anything. Aka it was a way to get money from the people. To this day that's all religion is.. a money scheme.. makes me wanna start my own religion... The Church Of Bluntz Lol

Very accurate post.

05-02-2014, 10:57 AM
Religion isn't so much myth as it is myth + truth... The Vatican & all of those people held in high esteem in their respective religions are likely just truth keepers. You mix some if it in with a couple of watered, dumbed down, Disney-like stories & you have religion. So in a way it's meant to throw you off while also giving you a slice of the pie

Everyone that knows anything about religion will know it's all based on the sky. The stars, the sun, the planets, the universe.

Every religion is based on the sky. Catholicism & Christianity included.. Shit, Catholics/Christian beliefs are directly from Egypt, who had their hieroglyphs decoded by Greeks that used the Rosetta Stone, who were fuckin with the Romans....remember before Catholics/Christians were allowed to rock niggas were Pagan (sun worshippers)...But when they needed a New World Order at the time they found a way to spin the shit out of Paganism and create characters, places on Earth chosen for where they're located relative to the sky, stories, the Bible... etc etc...Think about it. If you had to explain how the world worked to a kid would it be easier to explain the Universe stand-point, with all of the complexities and intricacies involved...or would it be easier to tell them stories based on those complexities and intricacies that they'd absorb like a sponge?

It's funny because last night Pharrell took home some awards at the iheartradio award show and he was like "I'd like to thank God and for those that don't believe in God the stars and the universe"

Because Pharrell, & a lot of people touchin serious paper fuck with intelligent ass weirdos that actually have knowledge on this.

The Universe = God
In religion God = personification of the Universe
"We were created in God's image" = the Universe's image
A human brain cell resembles the Universe
The nebula resembles a human eye
Our organs and biological functions resemble those carried out in the Universe
You can polute your body with a bad diet & shitty food habits, it'll show = you can polute the universe with bad practices & shitty habits, it'll show
Our bodies secrete serotonin at night, which helps us sleep = The sun goes up and down

The parallels are too many to count. We're basically mini Universes which is why a lot of famous celebrities, especially musicians, call themselves Gods and Goddesses and have God complexes. You're the God of your own mini-Universe(your body) in a sense, & you have tremendous control of it and your outside surroundings as we are the creators of our own reality in the same way the Universe created everything

the end

---------- Post added at 10:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 AM ----------

Look up sacred geometry, as everything in existence is based on sacred geometrics and if you wanna get more scientific check out the God particle theory