View Full Version : Distinct Alchemist Sound...In case anyone lookin for a new beat or a dark old one..

HandJob Alias
10-22-2013, 08:49 PM
One of my fav Alchemist Beats..partly cause em's nice on it. To the Brit's out there, Is TTM WESTWOOD! Like the biggest, doofusiest, lanky bob saget looking, name in the Hip Hop Media in the UK?...Never heard of im till a couple years ago when I saw the Em clips with him in studion. I think he's funny, when the emcees are doin their thing he always got a look on his face like hes tryin to remember if he took his medicine or not. "Did I take em in the mornin'...I had a pint and a scone, ahh bloody, did I take em?" enjoy the beat!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvzZXWRElFw&feature=share&list=RD02X4_yyxzHn84