View Full Version : What is your life worth?

Krhyme Killz
05-07-2012, 05:52 PM

you are in line at the bank...it appears as though the local college just handed out rebate checks because the 10 people in line ahead of you all have college gear on and appear to be students. they are all gender X. they look identical, and there race is identical to yours.

...give me the money...hostages will die...yadda yadda yadda...

here's the twist.

whatever it is that transpired in the bank....the result is this. for you to live, all ten of the students must die.

do you do it?
do you even let it get to 10?
would you even go so far as to say that anyone of the 10 people should die just so you could live?

shit...what if there were 20? would you let 20 people die to save yourself?

what is your life worth? another person's life? 2? 10? 20? more?

05-07-2012, 06:47 PM
On some real shit, I'd rather die than 20 people die for me to live.

I value my life, I've experienced the sensation of walking on this earth and breathing its air. It's a beautiful thing. I'm very appreciative of what I have & I am grateful to have had the opportunity to experience it.

But to believe your life is more important than 20 others is a bit narcissistic, selfish, and just not morally right. Out of those 20 students that die..I know this is a bit of a stretch..But what if one of them could've found the cure for AIDs? One could've been a great teacher, another could've been an upstanding citizen that participates in charity events and has nothing but good in their heart

I'll take a bullet for those 20 people to live, even if they're all strangers. & That's me truthfully speaking. I love everybody regardless of what they've done to me. We're all brothers and sisters.

"Kill one, save a thousand"

Krhyme Killz
05-07-2012, 07:01 PM
what if it was AZ?


on the real p, what if it was just 2 that would die for you

05-07-2012, 07:03 PM
I wouldn't let 2 people die for me either. Men stand on their own two feet.

We all gotta see the pearly gates someday. I don't wanna see those pearly gates knowing 2 people caught an untimely death because I wouldn't step up.

& If it was AZ, he'd probably take the bullet for me. Niggas know the deal, I'm daddy out herre.

Krhyme Killz
05-07-2012, 07:21 PM
lol...thats noble, yo

but what if the two people you save are rapists?

05-07-2012, 07:23 PM
I don't judge anybody. Leave that up to the man upstairs.

& To be honest I'm not too worried about death. I'll be re-born and experience life all over again.

I look @ it like this... Who am I to decide who gets to live and who gets to die?

The one life I DO have control over is my own. & If I want to give my own to spare 2, 10, 20 people...then I will.

Krhyme Killz
05-07-2012, 07:35 PM
what about a 1-1?

05-07-2012, 07:37 PM
Even for 1 person I'd die. Letting them die in your place does nothing but show how much of a coward you are

Like I said earlier, I love all. Regardless of race, religion, moral views, their past, etc etc.. I think unconditional love is important for everybody to understand. It'll make the world a better place

Krhyme Killz
05-07-2012, 07:40 PM
word? i wouldnt let 2 people go, but damn...1 for 1 is a coinflip, and i won the coinflip when the decision was put into my hands lol

05-07-2012, 07:41 PM
I think it's a shame you think that way. Idk how I'd live knowing someone's life was in my hands and I chose for them to die instead of me.

I'd rather die than live life a coward. A shameful one at that.

Krhyme Killz
05-07-2012, 07:44 PM
i'd rather know my kid's kids

Just C
05-07-2012, 07:48 PM
Having your own life taken doesn't just effect you. That has to be a consideration. What if you had a sick son or daughter who only had you to rely on?

05-07-2012, 07:51 PM
See now ya'll are throwing in a bunch of scenarios & changing shit up

I made my decision based on that initial post.

I'd rather be around for my kids, who wouldn't? But God forbid you were put in a life-threatening situation like that. Your kids are the mark you leave on this Earth, the legacy you leave behind.

So I'd die if it meant saving 10 or 20 other lives. Yeah it'd sadden my family & If I had kids it'd sadden them too. But they'll grow up & learn about how their father died and realize that I had a good heart & I did the right thing.

05-07-2012, 08:05 PM
I would let as many people die as needed so I can live. I am relied upon heavily and need to be around for my family.

Krhyme Killz
05-07-2012, 08:06 PM
word...i wouldnt do a 1-1, but i couldnt let 2 people die for my one life

---------- Post added at 08:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:05 PM ----------

I would let as many people die as needed so I can live. I am relied upon heavily and need to be around for my family.

What about those who died's families though?

05-07-2012, 08:51 PM
smh pulse is dumb.

you basically saying you would die for anybody.

thats not being brave, thats being dumb.

Krhyme Killz
05-07-2012, 08:55 PM
no....pULSe gets pussy..then after fucking he uses a different pussy to clean the pussy juice off from the first pussy...this continues for hours at a time...

he's lived the life of 40 men yo...he can parish for one.

05-07-2012, 08:57 PM
I'm saying I know what I believe and I live by it.

I'm probably more comfortable than ya'll are as far as grasping what death is because I have a lot more interpretations of what death could possibly include.

Maybe ya'll should take a Western Philosophy class.

America got your way of thinking all fucked up. dead @ "pick a religion"

Jason is hilarious for that. LMAO @ having a religion. Ya'll are sheep if you have religions

---------- Post added at 08:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 PM ----------

I'm a God in the flesh teaching ya'll how to live. Take notes or stay stuck in your ways. If you fuck up badly enough, you'll just repeat the cycle on the wheel of Samsara

Krhyme Killz
05-07-2012, 09:00 PM
P....you hail from the Caucus mountains...

05-07-2012, 09:02 PM
no you just dumb

if i had a decision to live i would want too live,

i would expect the other people to value their own life more then a stranger.

you could of saved a room full of pedophiles.

pulse no matter how many articles you read, you still will be dumb. until you realize and become aware of that, only then can you gain knowledge

Krhyme Killz
05-07-2012, 09:04 PM
no you just dumb

if i had a decision to live i would want too live,

i would expect the other people to value their own life more then a stranger.

you could of saved a room full of pedophiles.

pulse no matter how many articles you read, you still will be dumb. until you realize and become aware of that, only then can you gain knowledge

on the real though Pronto...you would save yourself over 10 people?

05-07-2012, 09:09 PM
no you just dumb

if i had a decision to live i would want too live,

i would expect the other people to value their own life more then a stranger.

you could of saved a room full of pedophiles.

pulse no matter how many articles you read, you still will be dumb. until you realize and become aware of that, only then can you gain knowledge

This is probably the most narcissistic and dumbest post you've made in your short little Special Ed life...

1) "You could of saved a room full of pedophiles." <--this isn't part of the original scenario

2) I have way more knowledge of life than you ever will have. The knowledge I have has withstood the test of time and has been around since 5 B.C. Before you guys started kissing the ground that Jesus Christ walked on and started carelessly throwing the church your money

Don't be mad at ME for YOUR lack of education. Be mad at your parents & mad at yourself. & That goes for everyone that thinks differently than me.

But ya'll are only babies. For some of ya'll, its your first trip on Earth. For some its your second...regardless, none of you niggas understand how the Universe works so I forgive you all for your lack of understanding and blatant stupidity.

I know how the Universe works and I'm well versed in Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Get @ me bro

I could drop stories of Lao-Tzu & Mencius...School you niggas on the Vedas & Upanishads, the Daodejing...the story of Arjuna and Vishnu

But its not my responsibility to educate ya'll. I'm hungry for knowledge & it's not my duty to share with you guys what I know. If ya'll want salvation you'll seek knowledge

05-07-2012, 09:14 PM
10 strangers that i didnt know yea
i mean
would you save 10 child rapist or yourself krhyme killz

if it was a actual situation i would probably save 10 people over myself.
but if i was just chillin in my house and somebody came put a gun 2 my head and said
imma kill you, or leave and kill 10 random people some where else it prob be different.
but thats the way it should be, i wouldnt expect someone to accept that. you should value your life more then that,

05-07-2012, 09:16 PM
I think it shows that you value life even more if you allow yourself to be killed in place of 10 or 20 people.

I'm not saying you value YOUR life more. I'm saying you value LIFE more if you were to let that happen. If it doesn't click, you might have to think about it a few times to get the gist of what I'm saying.

05-07-2012, 09:21 PM
This is probably the most narcissistic and dumbest post you've made in your short little Special Ed life...

1) "You could of saved a room full of pedophiles." <--this isn't part of the original scenario

2) I have way more knowledge of life than you ever will have. The knowledge I have has withstood the test of time and has been around since 5 B.C. Before you guys started kissing the ground that Jesus Christ walked on and started carelessly throwing the church your money

Don't be mad at ME for YOUR lack of education. Be mad at your parents & mad at yourself. & That goes for everyone that thinks differently than me.

But ya'll are only babies. For some of ya'll, its your first trip on Earth. For some its your second...regardless, none of you niggas understand how the Universe works so I forgive you all for your lack of understanding and blatant stupidity.

I know how the Universe works and I'm well versed in Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Get @ me bro

I could drop stories of Lao-Tzu & Mencius...School you niggas on the Vedas & Upanishads, the Daodejing...the story of Arjuna and Vishnu

But its not my responsibility to educate ya'll. I'm hungry for knowledge & it's not my duty to share with you guys what I know. If ya'll want salvation you'll seek knowledge

This is similar to the allegory of the cave.

you see, i cannot explain to you something you dont understand.

your way of thinking is too flawed

---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 PM ----------

I think it shows that you value life even more if you allow yourself to be killed in place of 10 or 20 people.

I'm not saying you value YOUR life more. I'm saying you value LIFE more if you were to let that happen. If it doesn't click, you might have to think about it a few times to get the gist of what I'm saying.

no, i think everybody understood it the first time.

i dont see why you just stated the obvious without adding anything into the discussion
but once again you are incapable because of your flawed thinking.

05-07-2012, 09:23 PM
The allegory of the cave? That doesn't even apply in this scenario. It's cute that you try to sound smart by bringing up something I learned about 6 years ago though. Major props, B.

If anything the allegory of the cave applies directly to you. You're too limited by your experiences... & your perception through sense organs doesn't allow you to see past the smoke & mirrors that society has put up in front of you.

The sooner ya'll realize that right intention + right action transcend all the evils on this earth, the sooner ya'll will realize why I would give my life up in place of 10, 20...even 2 people.

We were put on this earth to show unconditional love to each other and to overcome all of these distractions put in place to blind people like Pronto

People throughout time have tried to show us the right way...Mother Teresa, Gandhi, MLK.

It's funny because every 10 or so years Psychologists put out something called the DSM. the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The DSM4 was the previous one, in DSM5

They removed Narcissistic personality dis-order from the list of dis-orders. Narcissism is no longer a dis-order.

Why? Because Narcissism is becoming a societal norm, therefore it is not abnormal anymore. & I think that speaks volumes as far as where we were as a people 100 years ago compared to where we are today. It's all about me, me, me, me, me.

I drop knowledge on you niggas & ya'll take it, analyze it, do w/e you want. Make whatever you want out of it. But a time'll come in your life where you'll realize that I'm doing nothing but tryna help ya'll, and when it does happen, I won't be there to guide ya'll on what to do next.

Phil Banks
05-07-2012, 09:32 PM
i always wanted to die for a cause / purpose so saving other people's lives while losing mine would be a good look... maybe make up for some of the other shit ive done

05-07-2012, 09:32 PM
what? do you even know what the allegory of the cave is? smoke & mirrors?

you need to understand you know nothing, in order to be truly intelligent

the sooner that you realize that how you define right intention and right action are only defined by you the sooner you realize your idiotic thinking,

05-07-2012, 09:33 PM
lol @ Jason

I think you need to get a new pair of glasses, B ....and stop taking Student's hand me downs.

Like I stated earlier, the shit I live by was around long before Jesus Christ himself walked the earth.

I'm not hittin ya'll with new age 2012 illuminati reptilian religion rhetoric here. Ya'll take whatever you want out of these lengthy posts that I make. I know what I'm doin, I know my purpose, I know how to go about doing it, and I know the end goal.

05-07-2012, 09:42 PM
i dont think you do.

explain to me, what are you doing?, what is your purpose? how do you go about doing it? whats the end goal?

05-07-2012, 09:46 PM
Don't worry about me, worry about you.

A second ago you were puttin your life before everyone elses. Suddenly you're interested in mine.

05-07-2012, 09:54 PM
im not interested in your life, im interested in your views on life ,

you seem to have it all figured out, i want to see if you actually know what you say before you say it

05-07-2012, 10:03 PM
its human nature to look for a purpose, a more meaningful life.. its all bullshit, you have no purpose... whether you are a tyrant and criminal, or a loving and giving humanitarian... at the end of the day, you die, and thats it.

Louie Dawgs
05-07-2012, 10:04 PM
lol...thats noble, yo

but what if the two people you save are rapists?

What if one of those rapists is Roman Polanski, and the other is Mike Tyson??

Does that make a difference?

---------- Post added at 08:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 PM ----------

its human nature to look for a purpose, a more meaningful life.. its all bullshit, you have no purpose... whether you are a tyrant and criminal, or a loving and giving humanitarian... at the end of the day, you die, and thats it.

At the end of the day you exist, and that's that.

05-07-2012, 10:07 PM
its human nature to look for a purpose, a more meaningful life.. its all bullshit, you have no purpose... whether you are a tyrant and criminal, or a loving and giving humanitarian... at the end of the day, you die, and thats it.

Again, reasoning based on your experiences. You're experiencing things in the 3rd dimension with 5 senses. You've yet to experience death to speak on what happens after.

Those that study metaphysics will tell you what I'm saying in a sense. Which is that there's more to life than living and dying.

There is a purpose you can carry out, you might already know your purpose... Although you might be afraid to act on it. There's a way to manipulate the Universe to work in your favor, and there's an end goal.

Again this is straight from people that study the existential questions of life, metaphysicists.

05-07-2012, 10:12 PM
lmao, whats funny is you keep saying this but not explaning it, i bet whoever you got this ''acient old knowledge'' from never explained it either, its one thing to say a bunch of words, but not if they dont mean anything, what the fuck are you talking about manipulate the universe to work in your favor? please explain that to me.

Louie Dawgs
05-07-2012, 10:12 PM
Again, reasoning based on your experiences. You're experiencing things in the 3rd dimension with 5 senses. You've yet to experience death to speak on what happens after.

Those that study metaphysics will tell you what I'm saying in a sense. Which is that there's more to life than living and dying.

There is a purpose you can carry out, you might already know your purpose... Although you might be afraid to act on it. There's a way to manipulate the Universe to work in your favor, and there's an end goal.

Again this is straight from people that study the existential questions of life, metaphysicists.

Lots of metaphysicists don't believe that you have a purpose.

05-07-2012, 10:13 PM
Again, reasoning based on your experiences. You're experiencing things in the 3rd dimension with 5 senses. You've yet to experience death to speak on what happens after.

Those that study metaphysics will tell you what I'm saying in a sense. Which is that there's more to life than living and dying.

There is a purpose you can carry out, you might already know your purpose... Although you might be afraid to act on it. There's a way to manipulate the Universe to work in your favor, and there's an end goal.

Again this is straight from people that study the existential questions of life, metaphysicists.

.. it all theoretical.. smh @ taking people and their theory and turning them into fact.. even those people don't think the shit is fact just an idea.. You can influence the world with life, but you aren't born with a defined purpose..that type of mindset is ridiculous and arrogant.

Louie Dawgs
05-07-2012, 10:14 PM
.. it all theoretical.. smh @ taking people and their theory and turning them into fact.. even those people don't think the shit is fact just an idea.. You can influence the world with life, but you aren't born with a defined purpose..that type of mindset is ridiculous and arrogant.

I think that you can make a good argument that life in general has a purpose, but I don't believe it.

05-07-2012, 10:20 PM
its all theortical it could really all just be like the matrix. thats why i have tried to let pulse know that he has to understand he knows nothing,

05-07-2012, 10:21 PM
word Louie

but metaphysicists do believe in the Universe & they do believe you can manipulate it and even transcend life here on earth.

We're all subject to our opinion...but when it comes to matters like this, I'm more inclined to listen to a metaphysicist than my fellow LB peers

05-07-2012, 10:23 PM
Translation: I watch wayyy too much late night youtube bullshit lmfao

05-07-2012, 10:26 PM
Not even

More like, there's 9 types of intelligence that people tend to be geared towards

mathematical, linguistic, spatial, existentialism, intra-personal, etc

And I fall under linguistic/existentialist.. It's what I gravitate towards, and its what I excel at. Effortlessly.

Late night YouTube? Try a college education complete with 10 page research papers.

Step ya knowledge up B

05-07-2012, 10:29 PM
where did you graduate from?

05-07-2012, 10:32 PM
yea he reads to many articles ans watches to many shows and thinks they are all right

you are a gulliable ass dude pulse lol

i mean just re-read what you post. shit sounds retarded

Louie Dawgs
05-07-2012, 10:34 PM
word Louie

but metaphysicists do believe in the Universe & they do believe you can manipulate it and even transcend life here on earth.

We're all subject to our opinion...but when it comes to matters like this, I'm more inclined to listen to a metaphysicist than my fellow LB peers
I have a degree in philosophy, and this just isn't true. Lots of metaphysicists don't believe that.

---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

its all theortical it could really all just be like the matrix. thats why i have tried to let pulse know that he has to understand he knows nothing,
This is true, but it doesn't mean it isn't something worth considering.

05-07-2012, 10:40 PM
I'm an under-grad

I don't read all these articles like you think I do Pronto.

What I'm tellin you is based on what I've learned and researched. Whether it was independent research from pretty reliable sources or college shit I had to get done

05-07-2012, 10:42 PM
so you been in school a few months then huh?

05-07-2012, 10:43 PM
A few months? 2 years.

05-07-2012, 10:43 PM
where you go tho? I smell bullshit

Louie Dawgs
05-07-2012, 10:46 PM
Going on five.

Dear lord kill me.

---------- Post added at 08:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 PM ----------

Nothing like spending five years of your life going for crappy degrees at a crappy state university.

05-07-2012, 10:48 PM
I have a degree in philosophy, and this just isn't true. Lots of metaphysicists don't believe that.

---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

This is true, but it doesn't mean it isn't something worth considering.

everything is worth considering. they all have about the same plausibility if you ask me.

Louie Dawgs
05-07-2012, 10:50 PM
everything is worth considering. they all have about the same plausibility if you ask me.
I mean in some fashion you are right.

I guess I don't think about it that much anymore, I figure we have what we have in front of us to work with and I don't get caught up into a bunch of "what if" reality questions.

05-07-2012, 10:51 PM
where you go tho? I smell bullshit

Fuck are you the feds nigga? You don't have to take my word for it.

I wake up everyday and go to work and school. Or school and work. Depending on my schedule that day.

That's all you need to know B.

05-07-2012, 10:54 PM
I mean in some fashion you are right.

I guess I don't think about it that much anymore, I figure we have what we have in front of us to work with and I don't get caught up into a bunch of "what if" reality questions.

Yea i know what you mean because chances are your wrong anyway.
better to know that then to think your right like pulse talkin bout changing the universe & shit.

i really want to know what the fuck he's talkin about i know its a article somewhere that he read.

Louie Dawgs
05-07-2012, 11:10 PM
Fuck are you the feds nigga? You don't have to take my word for it.

I wake up everyday and go to work and school. Or school and work. Depending on my schedule that day.

That's all you need to know B.
I'd put money on TCNJ.

Seems about right. Mid-range public university.

---------- Post added at 09:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 PM ----------

If you want, you can all know the places I have gone. It's not like there aren't a billion other people at these places anyway.

Louie Dawgs
05-08-2012, 01:03 PM
Yea i know what you mean because chances are your wrong anyway.
better to know that then to think your right like pulse talkin bout changing the universe & shit.

i really want to know what the fuck he's talkin about i know its a article somewhere that he read.

I really have no clue what he's talking about a good percentage of the time.