View Full Version : @Frankie Clipz

01-31-2012, 10:50 PM
Aight I admit this was 7 maybe 8 but all this 6's is bull shit and on top of that we both aint drop no 9 verses! I never complained ever but this some fagget shit

So I give you a 6 on a battle.. then you decide to block me? lmmfao, wow. I said "PM if you have questions" not act like a female. But if that's the way you act whenever someone views your battles and doesn't give the vote you want... I'm not surprised I haven't seen you get better.

Constructive criticism exists for a reason.. but if you're blinding yourself to it, then don't cry when your verses suck. Real talk.

01-31-2012, 11:09 PM
*un-blocks Phroxen out of sheer guilt*

lmao, just playin cousin...